We all are a little bit "Jim Carrey" on the inside.
Don't believe me?
my reasons follow...
Who hasn't thought about reeking havoc for no apparent reason?
We've all danced like this at some point.
You know you've rocked some musical instrument.
Sort of.
We all enjoy making ironic decisions.
(The cops told him to "Freeze")
When we leave the house for a party and say to ourselves...
We have our catchphrases
We slightly exaggerate our facial expressions.

Or spaz out completely.

We have something to say about EVERYTHING on the internet...
...but sometimes the words just don't come to us.
We rock out all cool like...
...but demand our recognition
We can be VERY dramatic.
And have no reason for our actions.
(Even our dinosaur impersonations)
We get creepy.
Yet, we have no problem speaking/showing what's on our mind.
We're all just dorks.
But hey,
how could you not love Jim Carrey?
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