Thursday, June 27, 2013

Into the Mind

This is sort of a more serious post.
But then again, I like to keep things interesting.

I believe 
is the most fascinating part of the body. 

Even more so, I love the fact that we do not even fully comprehend how it works. Yet. 

Because we cannot fully understand how the brain works, I think that is why the mind scares us. 

I've read the book DIVERGENT about nine times now and there is a message from the story that can be thought as "Thinking the same is the only way to prevent chaos"

If one person questions authority...
If one person rejects a rule...
If one person apposes a law...


I cannot fully disagree with this. 

See, I believe (my opinion) that if one individual starts thinking differently from everyone else, and then decides to act on it, a difference in life will surely occur. Whether that be a good or bad difference, that depends. How much of a difference also depends. 

If there is a break in the constant and regulated thought process that could be called an "Irregularity."
Which is another word for "disorder."

Do I think that we must all think the exact same way to be productive? 
Quite the opposite.

I hope that all made sense. 

Moving on-

Another reason we fear the mind elaborates on the fact we do not understand it completely.

Chew on this: Everyone has, or has had a mental disorder.

Now before you start freaking out and running to the hospital let me elaborate:

STRESS is a mental disorder.
SLEEP DEPRIVATION is a mental disorder.
ANXIETY is a mental disorder.

And so forth.

One in every three persons has a mental disorder at all times.

True there are ways to help treat mental disorders but cures will forever be unlikely. 
Especially if the world continues to outcast those with mental disorders.

Take a second to think about this. 


I have no problem admitted that I suffer from anxiety.

I want you to understand that the word "suffer" does not always mean what you think it means. 

Suffer: to undergo or feel pain or distress
Suffer: to experience the process of change
Suffer: to tolerate or allow

Do with that what you will.


Incase you were reading this post or decide to start researching symptoms of mental illnesses and you are now spazzing out because you think there's something wrong with you...

This is what happened:

And then read this:

^The cat above is showing characteristics of Insanity.

Repeating the same actions and expecting a different outcome.

Should we shun the cat? Is there something wrong with the cat?


The cat is still just a cat.

Just like you are still you.

You are beautiful and perfect in your own way. 

Don't let anyone tell you that you are flawed. 

Everyone is different.

You are unique.


Someone loves you.

Rock on.

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