Monday, January 21, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

Next up, my friend's favorite princess:

Sleeping Beauty

1.  Two blonde princesses right in a row. It's a shame it'll be another movie before we get Belle, a brunette. 

2. This movie has more credits than any other princess movie so far. 

3. Also the third princess movie (and I've watched three so far) to start with an opening book. Good thing that stops here. 

4. The art in this movie is so different than any other disney movie! It's really stunning how it looks like a pop-up book the entire tie. Like any still frame would look like a painting from the renaissance. 

5. I'm sure we've all wanting them to sing, "Hail to the princess, *our name*" I know I've wanted it. "HAIL TO THE PRINCESS, CAROLINE!" 

6. Prince Phillip has blonde hair as a kid...when does it go brown? 

7. Admit it, the blue fairy, Merryweather, was your favorite. 

8. Gift of beauty from Flora- how will that help Aurora? And how do you know she won't be beautiful on her own? Gift of song form Fauna- k, she can always be taught how to sing when she grows up. How about something practical? 

               -side note: Maleficent can really make an entrance! 

  So Merryweather has to have a really good gift, right? Protection? No. Her gift is to have Aurora sleep, not die when she pricks her finger on the spinning wheel. Also, she can be awakened by true love's kiss. So very helpful. 

9. How can a princess be safer in the woods than in a castle full of guards? Pft. Crazy King. 

10. Maleficent reminds me of the Goblin King, Jareth. 

              -side note: she has a wonderful laugh!


12. "It looks awful!" -Merryweather "That's because it's on you, dear." -Flora


14. Phillip looks like an older version of Peter Pan. 

15. You're 16. Not marrying a boy you "fell in love with" is not the end of the world. Plus, the boy you "fell in love with"is the prince you will end up marrying. 

16. The song when Aurora is being possessed and goes to the spinning wheel is one of the most beautiful songs ever. Also, that scene when she's green and possessed gave me nightmares as a child. 

17. So the fairies aren't powerful enough to take down Maleficent, so they send out a mortal to finish her off. Sure. 

18. How convenient all the bad stuff disappears once Maleficent goes down. 

19. Aurora spends ost of the movie with a blue dress, so how did she become famous in her pink dress? 

20. Time to dance into the clouds. 

Overall Thought: Aurora is a 16 year old girl who falls in love with a stranger and throws a tantrum when she's told she's a princess. The entire problem in the movie is created when a witch wasn't invited to a party.

Rating: 1/5

Reason: The fairies that were supposed to protect Aurora from Maleficent send out a mortal to kill her off. I also just can't get over how material the fairies gifts were in the beginning. And the kingdom really couldn't bare to live without a princess so everyone had to fall asleep for who knows how long? Aurora is spoiled and when she's denied a boy, she freaks out! Plus, everything just sort of worked out a little too conveniently for everyone. Also, stranger danger. 

Sorry, Katie.

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