Friday, March 22, 2013

What Makes Me Laugh

It's been a while since I last posted...WHY?
Oh y'know, just had influenza, bronchitis, a sinus infection and possibly pertussis. 

But that's all over and done with now! Unfortunately I'm still too tired to make an explicit post on comic book women, so instead here's a bunch of things I find hilarious! 

Only Bass drummers will understand:

Isn't tradition the best?


Also these Beatles quotes: 

Question: How do you feel about teenagers imitating you with Beatle wigs?

John: They are not imitating us, because we don`t wear Beatle wigs.

Question: Sorry to interupt you while you are eating, but what do you think you will be doing in five years time, when all this is over?

Ringo: Still eating.

Question: Do you have any special advice for teenagers?

John: Don`t get pimples.

Question: Who in the world would the Beatles like to meet more in the world than anybody else?

Ringo: The real Santa Claus.

Question: Who of you thought up the name "Beatles"?

Paul: I thought of it.

Question: Why?

: Why not?

Question: Were you worried about the oversized roughnecks who tried to infiltrate the airport crowd on your arrival?

Ringo: That was us!

Question: Girls rushed towards my car because it had press identification and they thought I met you. How do you explain this phenomenon?

John: You`re lovely to look at!

Question: Do you date much?

Ringo: What are you doing tonight?

Question: What do you do when you`re cooped up in a hotel room between shows?

George: We ice skate.


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